The weather in the Goms

Formed by the people who inhabit and invigorate them

The mountain villages of the Goms

The thirteen villages of the upper part of the Goms region – Niederwald, Blitzingen, Selkingen, Biel, Ritzingen, Gluringen, Reckingen, Münster, Geschinen, Ulrichen, Obergesteln, Oberwald and Gletsch – are home to about 2000 residents, and seem to come from a different age. All of these villages have a protected heritage status, and many of Switzerland’s most important cultural assets are to be found here, within an extremely small area. The mountain villages of the Goms have remained better protected against the negative effects of modern life than almost any other high valley in the Alps. Traditions are part of life here. And yet, they are certainly not a museum...


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